Bed Bath & Beyond Real Estate

Business Category: Retail

Bed Bath & Beyond is a store that most people know about and frequent for bed, bath and home needs. Started in 1971 in New Jersey by founders Warren Eisenberg and Leonard Feinstein, both of whom serve as chairmen for the company, under the moniker Bed 'n Bath, the store only sold just that: bed and bath merchandise. In the 80s, the brand decided to forge ahead with a big box superstore allowing for an expansion on the type of goods they carried as well as ensuring a well-stocked inventory for their customers. During that time, Bed 'n Bath rebranded to what we now know as Bed Bath & Beyond. They continued to grow and expand from there on creating the well-loved nationally recognized store it is today.

Bed Bath & Beyond now sells all the essentials that a home could need, expanding from bed and bath goods to included kitchenware, cleaning supplies, small electronic appliances, furniture, food and more. Additionally, the brand is parent company to BuyBuy Baby, Harmon Face Values, Christmas Tree Shops, Christmas Tree Shops and That!, World Market and Cost Plus World Market. Overall, as of December 1, 2018, the company has 1,550 locations for all brands combined and operates nationwide, as well as in Puerto Rico and Canada. In addition to the brands listed above, the company operates a website for all the above as well as,,,,, and


Additional Company Information

Number of Stores: 960
Address: 650 Liberty Avenue, Union, New Jersey, 07083
Parent Company Info
Name: Bed 'n Bath Inc.
Current Location Information
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