Marco’s Pizza Real Estate

Business Category: Fast casual, Restaurants

Marco’s Pizza Business Profile & Site Requirements

Business Profile:

Marco’s Pizza is headquartered in Toledo, Ohio and is currently listed as “the fastest-growing pizza company in the U.S.” according to their website.  They are also one of the only fast-casual pizza restaurants in the United States that was founded by a native Italian, Mr. Pasquale “Pat” Giammarco, who moved to the states with he was nine years old.  Pat started his pizza career by working at his family’s pizzeria, perfecting his “secret sauce recipe” with his father, and working towards creating a concept that offers “high-quality pizza on a larger scale”  And thus, Marco’s Pizza was established.

Marco’s continues to offer their three defining staples: fresh dough made daily at each location, Pat and his father’s tomato sauce recipe, and an exclusive blend of three cheese that are never frozen and always fresh.  With this equation, Pat opened his first location in Toledo, Ohio in 1978. Since it’s inception and throughout Marco’s growth, they have expanded their menu to include items such as hot sub sandwiches, salads, and “Cheezybread”.

In 2015, Entrepreneur Magazine named Marco’s Pizza the “undisputed Kings of new store development” after adding 113 new stores that year, bringing their total to over 700 stores throughout 35 states, the Bahamas, Indian and Puerto Rico.  With current Chairman and CEO, Jack Butorac, at the helm, Marco’s Pizza currently employs an estimated 20,000 people overall and is on track to have 1,000 locations by the end of 2017.

Additional Company Information

Number of Stores: 1000
Address: 5252 Monroe Street, Toledo, Ohio, 43623
Current Location Information
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