10098775The True Life Companies (http://thetruelifecompanies.com) is a firm that specializes in providing home builders with land and completed residential lots. The management and investment company has a brand new location in Payson, Arizona. They've just finished the escrow stage for this. The True Life Companies is headquartered in San Ramon, California. The company also has branches in cities such as Phoenix, Denver, Kona, Newport Beach and Salt Lake City.

The new True Life Companies addition is Timber Ridge in Payson. Timber Ridge is a designated area that's set aside for the construction of future homes. It spans close to 27 acres. Timber Ridge is in a convenient locale for people who regularly visit the bustling Arizona state capital. It's roughly 90 miles away from the metro area. Timber Ridge is situated in Gila County's northern portion, just by the renowned Mogollon Rim. This rocky escarpment makes up the Colorado Plateau's southern edge.

As far as real estate goes, Timber Ridge is an attractive catch for The True Life Companies. The elevation of the land is approximately 5,000 feet higher than sea level. This elevation contributes to an area that boasts four seasons, with overall mild and pleasant weather. The housing market in the area is healthy. Many people travel to the region every year. It also isn't at all uncommon for people to purchase second residences in the area, either. People who reside in cities such as Tucson and nearby Phoenix often have second homes in this area.

The True Life Companies is in the midst of working on many different efforts across a number of states, specifically Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii and California. The staff at The True Life Companies has extensive background in sectors such as acquisitions, management, home construction and development.

