We all want to be successful. We want to come into our fields and know that we have everything it takes to make our marks. While commercial real estate is a different ball game, those same desires exist. Want to be a successful commercial real estate agent? Check out our list of 15 tips to help you.

  1. Get to know your client. Take the time and effort to establish a good rapport with your client, and they won’t forget it. Relationships matter.
  2. Get to know yourself as an agent. Are there tactics that you love or hate? Understand how you want to conduct business and what matters to you in the long-run.
  3. Learn to ask the right questions. By honing your ability to get at the true source of what your client is after, you will truly be able to offer tailored service for each client.
  4. Utilize every marketing tool you can, including social media. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are great, free ways to promote your services. Make use of other free marketing tools like Craigslist. Your properties can get a ton of exposure with no cost.
  5. Network, network, network. Establish and cultivate your professional relationships with industry colleagues. They are a wealth of information that could potentially help you.
  6. Keep up on your training and education. New training programs come up all the time, so take the time to keep your skills up. Podcasts are great way to keep learning.
  7. Understand zoning. Take the time to really understand your city’s zoning and the requirements involved for each type.
  8. Find your niche (office, industrial, retail) and find it fast! The longer you take to find your speciality, the less time you have to establish yourself as an expert.
  9. Understand the entire process of a real estate transaction. From offer to possession, you need to understand what happens in between, including financing and solicitor requirements.
  10. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, even if it’s just a second opinion. Even if you’re a seasoned agent, you might come across something you haven’t seen before and it never hurts to collaborate.
  11. Prospect your market and track your efforts. While cold calling isn’t always people’s favorite task, it’s an important way to gather clients.
  12. Build a database of contacts, clients, and past clients. Don’t neglect your database. Keep in touch with clients, both past and present, and it will lead to referrals and repeat clients.
  13. Learn to set goals and then reach them, even if it means starting small. Goals keep us focused on the end game but break it down to achievable markers.
  14. Be prepared for strange hours and lots of work. Real estate agents don’t keep traditional 9-5 hours and heavy workloads come at strange times. Enjoy the quiet times and structure your busy times.
  15. Keep your passion. You got into this field for a reason. Don’t lose that fire that got you going in the first place. It’s what will sustain your success and keep you gunning for that next deal.